Fixfire® is exhibiting again at the Design In Mental Health Exhibition Manchester Central, on 4th and 5th June 2024

Compliance through lockdown

Our lives have all been transformed since the beginning of 2020. However, the threat of fire and other security risks have not.

The Fire Safety Compliance System from Fixfire® is explained in this new short video.

Your requirements for Fire Safety Compliance, ranging from your Fire Risk Assessment to your Fire Alarm Maintenance, are all included.  To find out more and for a tailored proposal to meet your unique needs, contact our compliance team to find out more.


If you are wading through Fire Risk Action items for multiple buildings where you are reliant on other staff and third-parties, Compliance Tracker could be just what you need!

Fixfire® Compliance Tracker is like having an extra resource to keep behind everything on your behalf!

Simply extract action items from your Fire Risk Assessment(s), assign tasks and let Compliance Tracker™ do the work!

How does it work:

  • Action items are added to the Compliance Tracker Actions List which triggers notifications to responsible administrator(s) who are then able to log in and assign the item to a specific person who may be within or without the organisation.
  • Once the item has been assigned Compliance Tracker automatically alerts that person via email and requests them to provide an action plan detailing the next action to be taken and next date for review.
  • Ahead of the review date the assignee is sent an automated reminder requesting an update.  They are able to update the action plan or else close it giving them the opportunity to avoid it becoming overdue.
  • If they update the plan to a new date then the process repeats until the item is closed.
  • Should they overlook an item, reminders are issued on the due date and they are then repeatedly chased to provide an update.
  • In the background, Compliance Tracker monitors all the action items, chases those responsible to attend to them and provides responsible persons with a dashboard view giving a clear, easy to understand view of overall compliance status.

Equally effective for one single property or across a portfolio, Compliance Tracker operates like a dedicated Executive Assistant, working away in the background chasing down anyone that is standing in the way of you achieving full compliance.

Got a question about Compliance Tracker? Need Fire Safety Compliance advice?  Get in touch today!

For over 45 years, Fixfire® has been providing quality products, systems and services for Life & Property Protection. Whatever your requirement, please call our Compliance Team for expert advice and a refreshingly different approach.

Freephone 08000 891999

This brief article gives you our top tips to consider to help maintain your Fire Safety compliance throughout the next lockdown.  More detail is available in our COVID-19 statement.

  1. Recognise that your legal obligations of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (‘RRO’) remain unchanged.  Your insurers and other interested parties could expect you to maintain appropriate measures regardless of what is happening outside of your organisation.
  2. Consider if your Fire Risk Assessment (‘FRA’) needs a review.  They are the backbone of compliance with the RRO and it is a requirement that your FRA accurately reflects the current usage and occupancy level of your building.
  3. Speak to your insurers if your premises are unmanned or occupied by lower levels of staff than normal.  There are potentially higher risks of arson or vandalism and a fire could take longer to be detected.
  4. Consider how to maintain scheduled maintenance visits & remedial works.  Our engineers are all provided with PPE and Hand Sanitiser, but you will need to make sure that control measures are in place your end as well.

Ultimately, we are all in this together, so if you have any questions or concerns about maintaining your compliance, please contact us.  Fixfire is committed to providing the same level of support that we have given our clients for the last 40 years, even if it has to be done in a slightly different way!

Fixfire® Fire Log Book
Normally: £34.95
£26.61 until 30th April 2021
Fixfire® Fire Log Book Cabinet
Normally: £54.95
£41.21 until 30th April 2021
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Fixfire® is investing in these test kits for customer-facing team members to protect staff and customers alike, and is also making them available to customers.

  • 10-74 kits: £9.00/kit
  • 75-224 kits: £7.50/kit
  • 225 + kits: £6.65/kit

Order 35 kits or more for free delivery!  Stock will be available within the next 2 weeks.

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Struggling to keep track of compliance?
Compliance Tracker helps you track and manage fire risk action items and ensure that all items are completed on time.

Free site assessments, personal service & helpful advice. Contact us today!
Contact us today
08000 891 999